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Revision as of 16:45, 24 December 2023 by Tayfunwiki (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== <code>onInherited</code> Event in Actor Class == === Overview === The <code>onInherited</code> event in the <code>Actor</code> class is triggered when an actor inherits a role from another actor. This event is critical in games where roles, such as 'Leader', are passed down upon the demise of the current role holder, impacting character status, gameplay dynamics, and narrative progression. === Description === * Event Type: <code>Action<Actor></code> * Functionality...")
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onInherited Event in Actor Class


The onInherited event in the Actor class is triggered when an actor inherits a role from another actor. This event is critical in games where roles, such as 'Leader', are passed down upon the demise of the current role holder, impacting character status, gameplay dynamics, and narrative progression.


  • Event Type: Action<Actor>
  • Functionality: This event fires when the actor inherits a role, typically of significant importance, from another actor (the deceased role holder). It enables the game to implement specific actions or logic in response to this change in role, reflecting the shift in responsibilities and status.


The event is used to update the inheriting actor’s state, reflecting the newly acquired role and its associated duties or powers. This might involve changes in the actor’s abilities, interactions, or narrative position within the game.

Subscribing to the Event

To effectively handle role inheritance, subscribe a method with the signature Action<Actor> to the onInherited event within a MonoBehaviour script. The subscribing method should be carefully designed to address the inheritance of the role. Ensure to unsubscribe when the event is no longer needed.

Example of Usage

public class RoleInheritanceHandler : MonoBehaviour {
    public Actor inheritor;

    void Start() {
        if (inheritor != null) {
            inheritor.onInherited += OnRoleInherited;

    private void OnRoleInherited(Actor deceased) {
        Debug.Log($"{inheritor.FullName} has inherited the role from {deceased.FullName}.");
        // Logic to adapt to the inheritor's new role and responsibilities

    void OnDestroy() {
        if (inheritor != null) {
            inheritor.onInherited -= OnRoleInherited;

In this script, RoleInheritanceHandler listens for the onInherited event of an inheriting Actor. When the actor inherits a role from a deceased actor, the OnRoleInherited method is invoked, allowing the game to respond appropriately, such as updating the inheritor’s abilities or status to align with their new role.


  • The onInherited event adds significant depth to gameplay by enabling dynamic transitions of roles, influencing the course of the game.
  • Proper management of this event can enhance the narrative and gameplay experience, providing a realistic portrayal of role succession.
  • This event is particularly relevant in role-playing games, strategy games, and other genres where the inheritance of roles such as 'Leader' can have profound implications on the game's structure and character dynamics.