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Aunts Method in Actor Class


The Aunts method in the Actor class is designed to retrieve the aunts of an actor. This method provides the option to include or exclude deceased aunts based on the specified parameter.


public IEnumerable<Actor> Aunts(bool inclusivePassive = true)


  • inclusivePassive (bool): This flag indicates whether deceased (passive state) aunts should be included in the returned collection. The default value is true.


  • Return Type: IEnumerable<Actor>. The method returns a collection of Actor objects, each representing an aunt of the actor.
  • If inclusivePassive is set to true, the collection includes all aunts, regardless of their living status.
  • If inclusivePassive is set to false, it includes only living (active state) aunts.


The Aunts method provides access to the actor's aunts, with an option to include deceased aunts based on the inclusivePassive parameter. This method is valuable in games where family relationships, heritage, and lineage are significant factors.


This method is particularly important in game narratives or mechanics where an actor's relationship with their extended family, such as aunts, is relevant. It can be used in storylines involving family history, conflicts, alliances, or inheritance.


var allAunts = someActor.Aunts();
var livingAunts = someActor.Aunts(false);

In these examples, allAunts includes both living and deceased aunts, while livingAunts includes only the living aunts.


  • The ability to include or exclude deceased aunts offers a realistic and complete view of the actor's extended family.
  • This feature is essential for depicting detailed family trees and their impact on the game's narrative and character interactions.
  • The Aunts method adds depth to the game's world, allowing for more complex and layered storytelling.