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BrothersInLaw Method in Actor Class


The BrothersInLaw method in the Actor class is used to retrieve the brothers-in-law of an actor. This method includes a parameter to specify whether deceased brothers-in-law should be included in the returned collection.


public IEnumerable<Actor> BrothersInLaw(bool inclusivePassive = true)


  • inclusivePassive (bool): A flag that determines whether dead brothers-in-law (those in a passive state) should be included. The default is set to true.


  • Return Type: IEnumerable<Actor>. The method returns a collection of Actor objects, each representing a brother-in-law of the actor.
  • If inclusivePassive is true, the collection includes all brothers-in-law, both alive and deceased.
  • If inclusivePassive is false, it includes only living (active state) brothers-in-law.


The BrothersInLaw method provides access to the actor's brothers-in-law, allowing the inclusion of those who have passed away based on the inclusivePassive parameter. This method is useful in games where extended family relationships play a significant role in the narrative or gameplay.


This method can be particularly relevant in game scenarios involving family dynamics, where relationships with in-laws, like brothers-in-law, are significant. These could include storylines about marital family relations, inheritance issues, or familial alliances and conflicts.


var allBrothersInLaw = someActor.BrothersInLaw();
var livingBrothersInLaw = someActor.BrothersInLaw(false);

In these examples, allBrothersInLaw includes both living and deceased brothers-in-law, while livingBrothersInLaw includes only the living ones.


  • The ability to include or exclude deceased brothers-in-law offers a comprehensive view of the actor's extended family network.
  • This feature is crucial for accurately portraying complex family structures and their influence on the game's story and character relationships.
  • The BrothersInLaw method contributes to the richness and authenticity of the game's world, allowing for more detailed and layered storytelling.