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GenerateName Method in Culture Class


The GenerateName method in the Culture class is designed to generate a random name that is culturally appropriate and corresponds to the specified gender. This functionality enhances the realism and cultural authenticity within the game's context.


public string GenerateName(Actor.IGender gender)


  • gender: The gender (Male or Female) for which to generate a name.


  • This method selects a random name from a list of male or female names based on the specified gender.
  • The names are culturally specific, providing names that are appropriate and meaningful within the culture's context.
  • It returns a string representing the randomly chosen name.


This method is particularly useful for:

  • Generating character names for NPCs (Non-Player Characters) or new player characters.
  • Adding variety and authenticity in character creation and story development.
  • Enhancing the cultural immersion of the game by using names that align with the culture's characteristics.

Example of Usage

public class CharacterNameGenerator : MonoBehaviour {
    public Actor.IGender genderToGenerate;

    void Start() {
        // Retrieve the current culture of the player
        Culture playerCulture = IM.Player.Culture;

        if (playerCulture != null) {
            // Generate a random name based on the specified gender
            string randomName = playerCulture.GenerateName(genderToGenerate);
            Debug.Log($"Generated Name: {randomName}");

Here's how GenerateName might be used in a game script:


  • The script first retrieves the player’s current culture using IM.Player.Culture.
  • It then calls the GenerateName method on the culture object, passing the specified gender.
  • The script logs the randomly generated name for the specified gender.


  • The method should be used with the understanding that it selects names randomly from a predefined list and may not cover all naming conventions within the culture.
  • It’s important to ensure that the list of names in the Culture class is sufficiently diverse and representative of the culture.
  • This method can significantly enhance the player’s experience in character creation and NPC generation.