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CurrentLanguage Property in IM Class


The CurrentLanguage property in the IM (Intrigue Manager) class provides access to the currently active language setting in the game. This property is crucial in games where multilingual support is implemented, and the game's language setting impacts various elements like dialogue, UI text, and other narrative content.


  • Property Type: string
  • Accessibility: Public and Static
  • Functionality: Returns the currently set language as a string. This language setting is used throughout the game to ensure that text and dialogue are presented in the selected language.


The CurrentLanguage property is typically used to determine the language currently being used by the game. This can be important for loading the correct language resources, such as dialogue scripts, UI text, and other localizable content.

Example of Usage

public class LanguageDisplay : MonoBehaviour {
    void DisplayCurrentLanguage() {
        string activeLanguage = IM.CurrentLanguage;
        Debug.Log($"Current active language in the game: {activeLanguage}");
        // Additional logic based on the current language

In this example, a Unity script uses the IM.CurrentLanguage property to obtain and display the current language setting of the game. This information can be crucial for language-specific operations or decisions within the game.


  • The CurrentLanguage property in the IM class is essential for managing multilingual features in a game, ensuring that the correct language resources are used based on player preferences or default settings.
  • It aids in providing a more inclusive and accessible gaming experience by catering to a diverse player base with different language requirements.
  • This property is particularly useful in narrative-driven games, educational titles, and any game where language plays a significant role in player interaction and content delivery.