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SetCulture Method in Family Class


The SetCulture method in the Family class enables the assignment of a new cultural identity to a family. This functionality is crucial in games where culture plays a significant role in defining family heritage, traditions, and interactions within the game world.


public void SetCulture(string cultureName)


  • cultureName: The name of the new culture to be assigned to the family.


The method is used to change the cultural background of a family, which can affect various aspects of gameplay, including social interactions, alliances, quests, or narrative elements. This is particularly relevant in role-playing games or simulations with a focus on cultural diversity and dynamics.

Example of Usage

public class FamilyCultureChanger : MonoBehaviour {
    public string newCultureName;

    void ChangeFamilyCulture() {
        Family playerFamily = IM.Player.Family;
        if (playerFamily != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(newCultureName)) {
            Debug.Log($"The player's family culture has been changed to: {newCultureName}");


  • In this example, the family's culture is updated to a new value (newCultureName).
  • The script modifies the family's culture and logs the change, providing a practical example of how to manage cultural changes in a family.


  • Altering a family's culture can significantly influence the game's narrative and the player's experience, especially in settings where cultural aspects are deeply integrated into the gameplay.