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HasChildren Property in Actor Class


The HasChildren property in the Actor class is a boolean value that indicates whether the actor currently has any living children. This property is crucial for understanding an actor's familial status and can significantly impact gameplay, narrative, and character interactions in games where family dynamics are important.


public bool HasChildren => Children(false).Any();


  • Property Type: bool. The HasChildren property signifies whether the actor has at least one living child.
  • Property Logic: This property utilizes the Children method with the inclusivePassive parameter set to false to retrieve only living children. It then applies the .Any() method to check if the collection is not empty, indicating the presence of children.
  • Purpose: The HasChildren property is essential for identifying if an actor has offspring, impacting various aspects of the game such as inheritance, character motivations, social interactions, and narrative developments.


This property is used to quickly ascertain if an actor has living children, influencing gameplay decisions, character development, and storylines, especially in games where family relationships and descendants are significant.


if (someActor.HasChildren) {
    // Execute logic specific to actors with living children

In this example, specific game logic or narrative elements are triggered based on the actor having living children.


  • The use of Children(false).Any() efficiently determines if there are living children, which is often the relevant condition in most game contexts.
  • The HasChildren property is vital in games where familial status influences storylines, character development, or gameplay mechanics, such as inheritance laws or family-based quests.
  • This property enhances the depth of character development and provides opportunities for rich storytelling and immersive gameplay experiences.