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HeirOverridden Property in Actor Class


The HeirOverridden property in the Actor class indicates whether the heir designated for the actor has been overridden. This property is crucial for tracking custom or exceptional heir assignments in games where inheritance, succession, or family dynamics are significant.


public bool HeirOverridden => _overrideHeir != null;


  • Property Type: bool. The HeirOverridden property is a boolean value that determines if the actor's heir has been specifically overridden from the default.
  • Property Logic: The property checks if the _overrideHeir field is not null. If it's not null, it implies that an alternative heir has been set for the actor, overriding the default heir.
  • Purpose: The HeirOverridden property is vital for scenarios where the default heir assignment is not applicable or has been changed due to game events, character decisions, or specific plot developments.


This property is used to check if the actor's heir has been custom-set, diverging from the usual or default inheritance line. It can influence decisions and interactions related to inheritance, lineage, and family status.


if (someActor.HeirOverridden) {
    // Execute logic that deals with a custom-set heir

In this example, the game logic takes into account whether the actor's heir has been overridden, which may affect decisions or story progression related to inheritance or succession.


  • The HeirOverridden property allows for dynamic storytelling and character development, especially in games with complex narratives involving family legacies and power dynamics.
  • Its boolean nature makes it straightforward and efficient to use in various conditional checks throughout the game's code.
  • The property enhances the game's capability to adapt to unique situations and player choices, adding to the depth and realism of the game world.