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Hide Method in DialogueManager Class


The Hide method in the DialogueManager class is an integral function for controlling the visibility of dialogue windows in the game. It allows for the selective hiding of dialogue panels, which is crucial in managing dialogue flow and maintaining player immersion.


  • Parameters:
    • justSchemeDialog (bool, optional): Determines the scope of the hiding operation. If set to true, only dialogue windows associated with schemes are hidden. If false, all dialogue windows are hidden.
  • Functionality:
    • The method iterates through all instances of DialoguePanel.
    • Based on the value of justSchemeDialog, it selectively hides either all dialogue panels or only those marked as scheme dialogues.


This method is utilized to control the display state of dialogue windows in various situations, such as during gameplay transitions, in response to player actions, or when certain game events require a clearer screen or focused attention on other elements.

Example of Usage

public class DialogueVisibilityController : MonoBehaviour {
    public void HideSchemeDialogues() {
        DialogueManager.Hide(justSchemeDialog: true);
        Debug.Log("Scheme dialogues have been hidden.");

    public void HideAllDialogues() {
        DialogueManager.Hide(justSchemeDialog: false);
        Debug.Log("All dialogues have been hidden.");

In this Unity script, DialogueVisibilityController provides two methods for hiding dialogues. HideSchemeDialogues hides only the scheme-related dialogue windows, while HideAllDialogues hides all dialogue windows.


  • The Hide method in the DialogueManager class is critical for ensuring a clean and user-friendly interface, particularly in scenarios where dialogue panels might obstruct gameplay or distract from key moments.
  • Its ability to selectively hide dialogues based on their type (scheme-related or not) allows for precise control over the game's dialogue presentation.
  • Effective use of this method is essential in games with intricate dialogue systems, ensuring that dialogues do not interfere with gameplay dynamics or the overall player experience.