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Inheritor Property in Actor Class


The Inheritor property in the Actor class indicates whether the actor is designated as an inheritor, a status that can be crucial in games that involve succession, inheritance, or lineage-based mechanics.


public bool Inheritor { get; private set; } = true;


  • Property Type: bool. The Inheritor property is a boolean, representing whether the actor is an inheritor (true) or not (false).
  • Default Value: The default value of this property is set to true, meaning actors are considered inheritors by default.
  • Accessibility: The property is publicly readable, but its value can only be modified within the Actor class, denoted by the private set modifier. This ensures that the inheritor status is managed internally and not altered arbitrarily.


The Inheritor property plays a significant role in determining an actor's eligibility for inheritance or succession within the game's world. This is particularly important in games where inheritance affects the storyline, character development, or gameplay strategies.


This property is used to check if an actor is considered eligible for inheritance. It can influence game dynamics like asset distribution, succession of titles, or roles within family or clan structures.


if (someActor.Inheritor) {
    // Execute logic relevant to actors who are inheritors

In this example, the game logic is executed based on whether someActor is marked as an inheritor.


  • The Inheritor property's default value of true implies a game world where inheritance is a common feature for actors, but specific scenarios might warrant changing this status.
  • The use of private set ensures that changes to the inheritor status are made through controlled, game-logic-driven means, maintaining narrative integrity and gameplay balance.
  • This property is vital in games with complex social structures, where inheritance and succession are key elements of the gameplay and narrative.