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onPolicyAccepted Event in Clan Class


The onPolicyAccepted event in the Clan class is triggered when a new policy is accepted or adopted by the clan. This event is crucial for responding to changes in the clan's operational guidelines or doctrines within the game's world.

Event Definition

public event Action<Policy> onPolicyAccepted;


  • Delegate Type: Action<Policy>
  • Purpose: Notifies when the clan adopts a new policy.


  • The onPolicyAccepted event is raised whenever the clan accepts a new policy.
  • It passes the Policy object representing the newly adopted policy.
  • This event allows for game mechanics or narrative elements to react dynamically to changes in the clan's policies.


This event is typically used to trigger updates or actions in response to the clan adopting a new policy. It can influence gameplay elements such as diplomatic relations, resource management, clan member behavior, or narrative progressions.


  • The implementation of the onPolicyAccepted event allows for a dynamic and responsive game environment where clan decisions have tangible impacts.
  • It provides an opportunity for developers to create intricate gameplay mechanics and narratives that adapt to the evolving strategies and doctrines of clans.
  • Handling this event effectively is essential for maintaining a coherent and engaging storyline, especially in games where clan dynamics and politics play a significant role.