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QuitFamily Method in Actor Class


The QuitFamily method in the Actor class is designed to allow an actor to quit their current family. This method plays a crucial role in games where family affiliations can change over time, affecting the actor's identity, relationships, and role within the game narrative.


public void QuitFamily(bool forgetOrigin = false)


  • forgetOrigin (bool): Optional. If true and the actor is quitting their origin family, the origin family is forgotten. Defaults to false.


  • Functionality: This method enables the actor to leave their current family. If the forgetOrigin parameter is set to true, and the family being left is the actor's origin family, then the actor's connection to this family is also removed from their backstory.
  • Purpose: The QuitFamily method is essential for scenarios where an actor's allegiance or connection to a family changes, which can be due to narrative developments, character decisions, or player choices.


This method is used to detach an actor from their current family, which can have significant implications for the character's storyline, social dynamics, and gameplay mechanics, especially in games where family ties are pivotal.

Example of Usage:

public Actor alice;

// Alice decides to leave her current family and forget her origin family
alice.QuitFamily(forgetOrigin: true);

In this example, the actor Alice leaves her current family. By setting forgetOrigin to true, Alice also severs ties with her origin family, which could have narrative and gameplay consequences, such as altering her relationships or changing her status within the game world.


  • The option to forget the origin family adds depth to the character development and can lead to complex narrative arcs.
  • The QuitFamily method is vital in games with dynamic family structures, allowing for the evolution of character backstories and allegiances as the story progresses.
  • This method enhances the realism of the game by reflecting real-life scenarios where individuals may change their family affiliations over time.