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RemoveSpouses Method in Actor Class


The RemoveSpouses method in the Actor class enables the actor to divorce all of their current spouses. This method is crucial in games where marital status is dynamic and can change over time, influencing the character's narrative, social relationships, or gameplay mechanics.


public void RemoveSpouses()


  • Functionality: This method removes all spouses from the actor's current spouse list, effectively ending multiple marital relationships at once. It is used in scenarios where an actor has more than one spouse, in line with the game's narrative or cultural context.
  • Purpose: The RemoveSpouses method is essential for managing complex marital relationships within the game. It allows for significant changes in a character's marital status, impacting storylines, social interactions, inheritance laws, and other gameplay elements related to marital bonds.


This method is used to end all marital relationships for an actor simultaneously, signifying multiple divorces or separations. It is particularly relevant in games that accommodate polygamous relationships or where multiple marital bonds can be formed and dissolved as part of the character's development or the game's plot.

Example of Usage:

public Actor alice;

// Alice divorces all her current spouses

In this example, Alice divorces all of her current spouses. This action might have various implications within the game, such as affecting her social standing, altering her interactions with other characters, or impacting legal and financial affairs.


  • The RemoveSpouses method reflects the complexity of marital relationships and their dissolution in a realistic and dynamic way.
  • This method is vital in games where relationships and family dynamics significantly influence the storyline, character motivations, or gameplay decisions.
  • By allowing the dynamic change of marital status, the method enhances the depth of character development and adds a layer of realism to the game world, enabling more intricate and varied storylines and character arcs.