Rule:Invoke Node

From Intrigues Wiki


If the Age Check method returns true, the Rule completes as success.
This node executes all methods of the IResult type that are marked with the [IInvokeAttribute].
using UnityEngine;

namespace Nullframes.Intrigues.Demo
    public class Demo_Methods : MonoBehaviour
        [IInvoke("Age Check")]
        private IResult AgeCheck(Actor conspirator, Actor target) {
            if (conspirator == null || target == null) return IResult.Null;

            // Checks the age difference. Returns False if the difference is greater than 7.
            if (Math.Abs(conspirator.Age - target.Age) > 7) {
                return IResult.False;

            return IResult.True;

- The difference from the default version lies in the parameter used in the method.

» The Invoke node runs the Method and continues the flow based on the returned value.