Rule:Return Dual Actor

From Intrigues Wiki

Return [Dual] Actor Node

Rule returns success if Conspirator Heir and Target Heir are married.


The Return [Dual] Actor Node is a powerful component within Intrigues that facilitates the passing of information for two selected actors—designated as the Primary Actor and the Secondary Actor—through a [Dual] port to subsequent nodes in the flow. This node is pivotal for scenarios requiring the coordination or interaction between two specific actors within the narrative or game mechanics. There are two primary methods of utilization for the Return [Dual] Actor Node:

  1. Automatic Retrieval: By default, the node automatically provides the information of the Conspirator and the Target, streamlining processes where these roles are central to the operation or narrative being constructed.
  2. Method Invocation: The node can also return actors based on the results of a method call, offering flexibility for scenarios where the actors to be processed are determined dynamically or need to be specified through logic rather than fixed roles.

These functionalities make the Return [Dual] Actor Node an essential tool for developers looking to create intricate interactions and dependencies between characters or elements within their projects, enabling a rich tapestry of narrative possibilities and gameplay dynamics.

[GetActor("Get Heirs")]
private (Actor, Actor) GetHeirs(Actor conspirator, Actor target) {
    Actor primaryActor = conspirator.Heir;
    Actor secondaryActor = target.Heir;
    return (primaryActor, secondaryActor);

- The difference from the default version lies in the parameter used in the method.