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SetVariable Method Documentation


The SetVariable methods allow for setting the value of a private variable within a clan. These methods come in two variants: a non-generic version that simply sets the value, and a generic version that sets the value and returns it cast to a specified type.

Method Signatures

SetVariable (Non-Generic)

public void SetVariable(string variableNameOrId, object value)

This method sets the value of a specified variable without returning it. If the variable does not exist, no action is taken.

SetVariable (Generic)

public T SetVariable<T>(string variableNameOrId, object value) where T : NVar

This method sets the value of a specified variable and returns the updated variable cast to the specified type T. If the variable does not exist, it returns null.

Example Usage

Non-Generic Usage

IM.Player.Clan.SetVariable("booleanVariable", true);

Sets the value of the variable booleanVariable to true for the player's clan.

Generic Usage

var booleanVar = IM.Player.Clan.SetVariable<NBool>("booleanVariable", true);

Sets the value of the variable booleanVariable to true and retrieves it as an NBool type. The booleanVar.Value property returns the value as a bool.

Note: booleanVar.Value will return the value as a boolean type (bool).