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SetVariable Method Documentation


The SetVariable methods allow for setting the value of a private variable for a family based on its name or ID. These methods come in two variants: a non-generic version that sets the value and a generic version that sets the value and returns the updated variable cast to a specified type.

Method Signatures

SetVariable (Non-Generic)

public void SetVariable(string variableNameOrId, object value)

This method sets the value of the variable with the specified name or ID for the family.

SetVariable (Generic)

public T SetVariable<T>(string variableNameOrId, object value) where T : NVar

This method sets the value of the variable with the specified name or ID for the family and returns the updated variable cast to the specified type T.

Example Usage

Non-Generic Usage

IM.Player.Family.SetVariable("booleanVariable", true);

Sets the value of the booleanVariable to true.

Generic Usage

NBool booleanVar = IM.Player.Family.SetVariable<NBool>("booleanVariable", true);

Sets the value of the booleanVariable to true and returns the updated variable cast to an NBool type. The booleanVar.Value property returns the value as a bool.

Note: booleanVar.Value will return the value as a boolean type (bool).