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State Property in Actor Class


The State property in the Actor class is responsible for indicating the current state of an actor within the game, specifying whether they are alive (Active) or dead (Passive).


/// <summary>
/// Gets the state of the actor, either Passive (Dead) or Active (Alive).
/// </summary>
public IState State { get; protected set; }


  • Property Type: IState. This property uses the IState enumeration to represent the state of an actor.
  • Accessibility: Publicly readable but can only be modified within the Actor class or its subclasses, ensuring controlled state management.
  • Values: The property can hold either IState.Active or IState.Passive, corresponding to alive or dead states of the actor.


The State property is primarily used to track and control the state of an actor in game scenarios. It can be queried to determine the actor's state and make decisions based on whether the actor is alive or dead.


public class SomeClass : MonoBehaviour {
    public Actor someActor;

    void Start() {
        if (someActor.State == IState.Passive) {
            // Handle the logic for a dead actor
        } else if (someActor.State == IState.Active) {
            // Handle the logic for a living actor


  • The protected setter in State ensures that the actor's state can only be changed by the actor itself or its derived classes, providing encapsulation and preventing unauthorized state changes.
  • This property is crucial for game mechanics that depend on the actor's life status, such as spawning, interactions, and gameplay effects.