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Target Property in Scheme Class


The Target property in the Scheme class identifies the actor who is the intended recipient or focus of the scheme. This property is crucial for understanding whom the scheme is directed against or whom it benefits.

Property Definition

public Actor Target { get; private set; }


  • Type: Actor - Represents the character or entity within the game that is the focus of the scheme.
  • Accessibility: Publicly accessible for reading, with its value set privately within the Scheme class, typically during the scheme's creation or when the target is defined.


  • The Target property holds a reference to the actor who is the focal point of the scheme's actions or consequences.
  • It's essential for gameplay mechanics involving interactions, conflicts, or any strategic decisions revolving around specific characters.


The Target property is used to display information about the scheme in the game's UI or for making decisions in the game's logic. It is particularly relevant in games where player choices and character interactions form the core of the gameplay.

Example of Usage

public class SchemeDisplayManager : MonoBehaviour {
    void DisplaySchemeTargets() {
        // Iterate through all active schemes of the player
        foreach (Scheme scheme in IM.Player.Schemes) {
            Actor target = scheme.Schemer.Target;
            Debug.Log($"Scheme: {scheme.SchemeName}, Target: {(target != null ? target.Name : "No specific target")}");


  • The DisplaySchemeTargets method demonstrates iterating through the player's active schemes and logging each scheme's name along with the name of its target.


  • The Target property is vital in narrative and strategy games, adding a layer of depth to the schemes by specifying the involved parties.
  • It allows for a nuanced gameplay experience, where the implications of schemes can vary significantly depending on the target.