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SetConspirator Method in Scheme Class


The SetConspirator method in the Scheme class is used to assign a new conspirator to a scheme. This method allows for dynamic changes in the actor responsible for initiating or driving the scheme.


public void SetConspirator(Actor actor)


  • actor: An Actor object representing the new conspirator of the scheme.


  • This method updates the conspirator of a scheme, changing the primary actor responsible for its initiation and execution.
  • It's essential for game scenarios where the original conspirator changes due to gameplay events, narrative developments, or player actions.


The SetConspirator method is typically used in game logic where there is a need to transfer the responsibility of a scheme from one actor to another. This can be due to various reasons, such as the original conspirator being incapacitated or a shift in the storyline.

Example of Usage

public class SchemeConspiratorUpdater : MonoBehaviour {
    void UpdateSchemeConspirator(string schemeName, Actor newConspirator) {
        Scheme schemeToUpdate = IM.Player.GetScheme(schemeName);
        if (schemeToUpdate != null) {
            Debug.Log($"Updated conspirator of scheme '{schemeName}' to: {newConspirator.Name}");
        } else {
            Debug.Log($"Scheme not found: {schemeName}");


  • In this example, the UpdateSchemeConspirator method is used to set a new conspirator for a specified scheme. It finds the scheme using IM.Player.GetScheme and updates its conspirator.
  • The method logs a message indicating whether the conspirator was successfully updated or if the scheme was not found.


  • Changing the conspirator of a scheme can significantly impact the game's narrative and player strategy, making this method a powerful tool in dynamic storytelling and gameplay.
  • Proper handling of conspirator changes is crucial to maintaining narrative continuity and logical consistency within the game.