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SetTarget Method in Scheme Class


The SetTarget method in the Scheme class allows for the assignment of a new target actor to a scheme. This method is crucial in scenarios where the focus or the intended recipient of the scheme's actions needs to be changed.


public void SetTarget(Actor actor)


  • actor: An Actor object representing the new target of the scheme.


  • This method updates the target of a scheme, changing the actor who is the focus or the intended recipient of the scheme's actions or consequences.
  • It's important for game scenarios where the original target changes due to narrative progression, player decisions, or other gameplay events.


The SetTarget method is typically used in game logic where there is a need to shift the focus of a scheme from one actor to another. This can happen for various reasons, such as changes in the storyline, player strategies, or new developments in the game's world.

Example of Usage

public class SchemeTargetUpdater : MonoBehaviour {
    void UpdateSchemeTarget(string schemeName, Actor newTarget) {
        Scheme schemeToUpdate = IM.Player.GetScheme(schemeName);
        if (schemeToUpdate != null) {
            Debug.Log($"Updated target of scheme '{schemeName}' to: {newTarget.Name}");
        } else {
            Debug.Log($"Scheme not found: {schemeName}");


  • In the UpdateSchemeTarget method, this example demonstrates how to set a new target for a specific scheme. It retrieves the scheme using IM.Player.GetScheme and updates its target.
  • The method logs a message indicating whether the target was successfully updated or if the scheme was not found.


  • Changing the target of a scheme can significantly alter its impact and outcomes, making this method a key tool for dynamic storytelling and gameplay adaptation.
  • Proper management of target changes is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the game's narrative and logic.