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Pause Method in Scheme Class


The Pause method in the Scheme class is used to temporarily halt the progression of a scheme. This functionality is important in scenarios where the game needs to suspend the actions or effects of a particular scheme temporarily.


public void Pause()


  • The method checks if the Schemer (the controlling entity of the scheme) is not null before calling the Pause method on it. This ensures that the scheme can be paused only if it is actively being managed or executed.


This method is typically used in game logic where there is a need to pause schemes due to various gameplay events, such as dialogue interactions, cutscenes, or specific player actions that require suspension of ongoing schemes.

Example of Usage

public class SchemeController : MonoBehaviour {
    void PausePlayerScheme(string schemeName) {
        Scheme schemeToPause = IM.Player.GetScheme(schemeName);
        if (schemeToPause != null) {
            Debug.Log($"Paused scheme: {schemeName}");
        } else {
            Debug.Log($"Scheme not found: {schemeName}");


  • In the PausePlayerScheme method, the example demonstrates how to pause a specific scheme. It retrieves the scheme by its name using IM.Player.GetScheme and then calls the Pause method on the retrieved scheme.
  • The method logs whether the specified scheme was successfully paused or if the scheme was not found.


  • The Pause method is a key part of managing schemes within a game, allowing for greater control over the game's narrative and mechanics.
  • It's important to handle the paused state of schemes properly in the game's logic to ensure a seamless player experience.