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Revision as of 07:44, 24 December 2023 by Tayfunwiki (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== <code>SetState</code> Method in Actor Class == === Overview === The <code>SetState</code> method allows for setting the state of an actor, indicating whether they are alive or deceased. This function is fundamental in games where the status of characters significantly impacts the gameplay, story progression, or character interactions. === Syntax === <syntaxhighlight lang="c#"> public void SetState(IState state, bool noninheritor = false) </syntaxhighlight> === Para...")
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SetState Method in Actor Class


The SetState method allows for setting the state of an actor, indicating whether they are alive or deceased. This function is fundamental in games where the status of characters significantly impacts the gameplay, story progression, or character interactions.


public void SetState(IState state, bool noninheritor = false)


  • state (IState): The state to set for the actor. State.Passive indicates a deceased character, while State.Active indicates a living character.
  • noninheritor (bool): Optional. Indicates whether the actor should leave an inheritance upon death. Defaults to false.


This method changes the actor's state to either Active or Passive. Setting the state to Passive typically represents the death of the character, while Active indicates that the character is alive. The optional noninheritor parameter determines whether the actor leaves an inheritance if they are set to a deceased state.


Used to update the life status of a character within the game, which can trigger various game mechanics related to death, inheritance, and character interactions.

Example of Usage

public Actor hero; // An instance of an actor

// The hero character tragically dies in the game
hero.SetState(IState.Passive, noninheritor: true);
// Since noninheritor is true, the hero leaves no inheritance

In this example, a hero character is set to a deceased state (Passive) and does not leave an inheritance. This change could affect the narrative or gameplay, such as altering the story's direction, affecting other characters, or changing gameplay dynamics.


  • The SetState method is crucial in games that feature dynamic character states, including death and its consequences.
  • The method's ability to control inheritance adds a layer of complexity to character death, influencing game economy and relationships.
  • The method is particularly important in role-playing games, adventure games, and narratives where character mortality is a significant element.