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Revision as of 15:53, 24 December 2023 by Tayfunwiki (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== <code>onRoleChanged</code> Event in Actor Class == === Overview === The <code>onRoleChanged</code> event is an integral part of the <code>Actor</code> class, activated when the actor is assigned a new role. This event plays a crucial role in games where role assignments and changes significantly impact character development, gameplay mechanics, or narrative progression. === Description === * Event Type: <code>Action<Role></code> * Functionality: This event triggers...")
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onRoleChanged Event in Actor Class


The onRoleChanged event is an integral part of the Actor class, activated when the actor is assigned a new role. This event plays a crucial role in games where role assignments and changes significantly impact character development, gameplay mechanics, or narrative progression.


  • Event Type: Action<Role>
  • Functionality: This event triggers when there is a change in the actor's role. It allows for the execution of custom actions or logic in response to the new role assignment, enabling dynamic character evolution and interaction based on role-related attributes and responsibilities.


The event is used to implement specific responses or updates in the game when an actor's role changes. This can include modifying character abilities, updating narrative elements, or changing interaction options to align with the new role.

Subscribing to the Event

Subscribe to the onRoleChanged event within a MonoBehaviour script to handle role changes in an actor. Ensure to unsubscribe from the event when it's no longer needed or when the actor is destroyed, to maintain optimal performance and avoid memory leaks.

Example of Usage

public class RoleChangeHandler : MonoBehaviour {
    public Actor actor;

    void Start() {
        if (actor != null) {
            actor.onRoleChanged += OnRoleChanged;

    private void OnRoleChanged(Role newRole) {
        Debug.Log($"{actor.FullName} has been assigned a new role: {newRole.RoleName}.");
        // Implement logic to handle the actor's new role

    void OnDestroy() {
        if (actor != null) {
            actor.onRoleChanged -= OnRoleChanged;

In this Unity script, the RoleChangeHandler is attached to a GameObject and subscribes to the onRoleChanged event of an Actor. When the actor's role changes, the OnRoleChanged method is invoked, providing an opportunity to adapt the game to the actor's new role.


  • The onRoleChanged event is essential for creating responsive and adaptive gameplay experiences, particularly in games where character roles define abilities, duties, or story arcs.
  • Proper handling of role changes through this event contributes to the depth and interactivity of the game, reflecting the evolving nature of characters.
  • This event is highly relevant in role-playing games, strategy games, and other titles where character roles are central to gameplay dynamics and narrative development.