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Revision as of 15:57, 24 December 2023 by Tayfunwiki (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== <code>onLeftClan</code> Event in Actor Class == === Overview === The <code>onLeftClan</code> event within the <code>Actor</code> class is triggered when the actor leaves a clan. This event is essential in games where clan dynamics and affiliations play a significant role in shaping character relationships, gameplay mechanics, and narrative development. === Description === * Event Type: <code>Action<Clan></code> * Functionality: This event is activated when an actor...")
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onLeftClan Event in Actor Class


The onLeftClan event within the Actor class is triggered when the actor leaves a clan. This event is essential in games where clan dynamics and affiliations play a significant role in shaping character relationships, gameplay mechanics, and narrative development.


  • Event Type: Action<Clan>
  • Functionality: This event is activated when an actor exits a clan. The event handler is passed the Clan object representing the clan left by the actor. It provides a framework for executing specific actions or logic in response to the actor's departure from a clan.


The event is employed to trigger certain actions or updates in the game when an actor leaves a clan. This could include redefining the actor's role, updating story elements, or modifying gameplay options to align with the new clan-less status of the actor.

Subscribing to the Event

To effectively handle the onLeftClan event, subscribe a method with the corresponding signature (Action<Clan>) in a MonoBehaviour script. Unsubscribing from the event is crucial to avoid memory leaks and ensure appropriate game behavior.

Example of Usage

public class ClanLeaveHandler : MonoBehaviour {
    public Actor actor;

    void Start() {
        if (actor != null) {
            actor.onLeftClan += OnLeftClan;

    private void OnLeftClan(Clan oldClan) {
        Debug.Log($"{actor.FullName} has left the clan: {oldClan.ClanName}.");
        // Logic to respond to the actor's departure from the clan

    void OnDestroy() {
        if (actor != null) {
            actor.onLeftClan -= OnLeftClan;

In this Unity script, the ClanLeaveHandler is attached to a GameObject and listens for the onLeftClan event of an Actor. When the actor leaves a clan, the OnLeftClan method is invoked, allowing the game to adapt to the change in the actor's clan affiliation.


  • The onLeftClan event plays a pivotal role in maintaining dynamic and responsive clan dynamics within the game, reflecting changes in character allegiances.
  • Proper management of this event can significantly impact the narrative and gameplay, adapting to the evolving landscape of clan relationships.
  • This event is particularly relevant in games where clan membership influences character abilities, story progression, and player interactions.