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Revision as of 16:50, 24 December 2023 by Tayfunwiki (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== <code>onPlayerDivorced</code> Event in Actor Class == === Overview === The <code>onPlayerDivorced</code> event in the <code>Actor</code> class is triggered when the player-character gets divorced. This event holds significant importance in games where marital status influences character dynamics, gameplay mechanics, or narrative progression. === Description === * Event Type: <code>Action<Actor, Actor></code> * Functionality: Activated when a divorce occurs between...")
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onPlayerDivorced Event in Actor Class


The onPlayerDivorced event in the Actor class is triggered when the player-character gets divorced. This event holds significant importance in games where marital status influences character dynamics, gameplay mechanics, or narrative progression.


  • Event Type: Action<Actor, Actor>
  • Functionality: Activated when a divorce occurs between the player-character and their spouse. The event handler receives two Actor parameters representing the divorced couple. This setup allows for the implementation of specific reactions or updates in response to the divorce event.


The event is utilized to trigger updates or custom actions within the game when the player-character's marital status changes due to divorce. This could include modifying character interactions, updating narrative elements, or adjusting gameplay options to reflect the new circumstances.

Subscribing to the Event

To effectively handle the onPlayerDivorced event, a method with the signature Action<Actor, Actor> should be subscribed to it within a MonoBehaviour script. Unsubscribing from the event is important to avoid memory leaks and ensure appropriate game behavior.

Example of Usage

public class DivorceEventHandler : MonoBehaviour {
    public Actor playerCharacter;

    void Start() {
        if (playerCharacter != null) {
            playerCharacter.onPlayerDivorced += OnPlayerDivorced;

    private void OnPlayerDivorced(Actor exSpouse1, Actor exSpouse2) {
        Debug.Log($"{exSpouse1.FullName} and {exSpouse2.FullName} have been divorced.");
        // Logic to respond to the divorce event of the player-character

    void OnDestroy() {
        if (playerCharacter != null) {
            playerCharacter.onPlayerDivorced -= OnPlayerDivorced;

In this Unity script, DivorceEventHandler is attached to a GameObject and listens for the onPlayerDivorced event of a player-character Actor. When the player-character gets divorced, the OnPlayerDivorced method is invoked, providing an opportunity to handle the divorce, such as updating the characters' statuses or triggering related narrative events.


  • The onPlayerDivorced event adds complexity to the game by reflecting significant changes in the player-character's personal life and its impact on their journey.
  • Proper handling of this event can enrich the narrative and gameplay experience, offering a nuanced portrayal of character relationships.
  • This event is especially relevant in role-playing games, simulation games, and other genres where personal relationships and character development are integral to the gameplay.