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DatabaseExists Property in IM Class


The DatabaseExists property in the IM (Intrigue Manager) class serves as a quick and efficient way to check the existence of the IEDatabase within the Intrigue Manager system. This property is essential for ensuring that the necessary database resources are available for game operations related to intrigue and character interactions.


  • Property Type: bool
  • Accessibility: Public and Static
  • Functionality: Returns a boolean value indicating whether the IEDatabase is currently instantiated and available within the Intrigue Manager.


The DatabaseExists property is typically used to verify the availability of the IEDatabase before performing operations that require database access. This includes querying character data, managing intrigue-related events, or retrieving game-specific information stored in the database.

Example of Usage

public class DatabaseChecker : MonoBehaviour {
    void Start() {
        if (IM.DatabaseExists) {
            Debug.Log("IEDatabase is available.");
            // Logic to perform operations that require database access
        } else {
            Debug.Log("IEDatabase is not available. Ensure it is properly initialized.");

In this example, a Unity script checks the availability of the IEDatabase using the IM.DatabaseExists property. Based on whether the database exists, appropriate actions are taken, such as proceeding with data retrieval or logging an error message.


  • Its straightforward nature simplifies the process of ensuring that database-related operations are only performed when the database is properly set up and accessible.