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Revision as of 11:02, 4 January 2024 by Tayfunwiki (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== <code>Show</code> Method in DialogueManager Class == === Overview === The <code>Show</code> method in the DialogueManager class is designed to control the visibility of dialogue windows in the game. It provides the functionality to reveal hidden dialogue panels, which is essential for managing dialogue presentation and player interaction. === Description === * Parameters: ** <code>justSchemeDialog</code> (bool, optional): Determines the scope of the display operati...")
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Show Method in DialogueManager Class


The Show method in the DialogueManager class is designed to control the visibility of dialogue windows in the game. It provides the functionality to reveal hidden dialogue panels, which is essential for managing dialogue presentation and player interaction.


  • Parameters:
    • justSchemeDialog (bool, optional): Determines the scope of the display operation. If set to true, only scheme dialogue windows are shown. If false, all dialogue windows are made visible.
  • Functionality:
    • The method iterates through each DialoguePanel instance and makes them visible.
    • If the justSchemeDialog parameter is true, only dialogues marked as scheme dialogs are shown.


This method is used to reveal dialogue windows, either selectively or comprehensively, based on gameplay requirements. This includes scenarios like resuming dialogue interactions, responding to player choices, or as part of narrative progression.

Example of Usage

public class DialogueDisplayController : MonoBehaviour {
    public void ShowSchemeDialogues() {
        DialogueManager.Show(justSchemeDialog: true);
        Debug.Log("Scheme dialogues have been shown.");

    public void ShowAllDialogues() {
        DialogueManager.Show(justSchemeDialog: false);
        Debug.Log("All dialogues have been shown.");

In this Unity script, DialogueDisplayController offers methods for showing dialogues. The ShowSchemeDialogues method reveals only the scheme-related dialogue windows, while ShowAllDialogues makes all dialogue windows visible.


  • The Show method is crucial for ensuring that dialogue panels are properly managed and displayed at appropriate moments, enhancing player engagement and narrative coherence.
  • Its ability to selectively show dialogues based on their association with schemes allows for nuanced control over dialogue presentation, aligning with various gameplay scenarios and narrative requirements.
  • Effective utilization of this method is essential in games where dialogue is a key aspect of the gameplay experience, ensuring that dialogues are presented to the player at the right time and context.