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Conspirator Property in Scheme Class


The Conspirator property in the Scheme class identifies the actor who is the primary instigator or planner of the scheme. This property plays a key role in understanding the source and motivation behind the scheme's initiation.

Property Definition

public Actor Conspirator { get; private set; }


  • Type: Actor - Represents the character or entity within the game that initiated the scheme.
  • Accessibility: Publicly accessible for reading, but its value is set privately within the Scheme class, often during the scheme's creation or initialization phase.


  • Conspirator holds the reference to the actor responsible for starting the scheme, providing context for the scheme's actions and decisions.
  • It's essential for gameplay mechanics that involve plotting, strategizing, or interactions between different characters.


The property is commonly used to display information about the scheme in the game's UI or for making game logic decisions. It is particularly useful in narrative-driven or strategy games where understanding the character dynamics is crucial.

Example of Usage

public class SchemeManager : MonoBehaviour {
    // Method to display information about the active schemes
    void DisplayActiveSchemes() {
        foreach (Scheme scheme in IM.Player.Schemes) {
            Actor conspirator = scheme.Conspirator;
            Debug.Log($"Scheme: {scheme.SchemeName}, Initiated by: {conspirator.Name}");


  • In the DisplayActiveSchemes method, this example iterates through all active schemes associated with the player and logs the name of each scheme along with the name of its conspirator.


  • The Conspirator property is a fundamental aspect of schemes in games, providing depth and backstory to the player's actions and decisions.
  • Understanding the conspirator of a scheme can significantly affect how players interact with the game's narrative and make strategic choices.