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Revision as of 20:57, 4 January 2024 by Tayfunwiki (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== <code>IsMember</code> Method in Clan Class == === Overview === The <code>IsMember</code> method in the Clan class is used to determine whether a specific actor is a member of the clan. This method is crucial for verifying membership status within the clan, impacting gameplay decisions, resource allocation, and narrative elements. === Method Definition === <syntaxhighlight lang="c#"> public bool IsMember(Actor member) </syntaxhighlight> === Description === * Parame...")
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IsMember Method in Clan Class


The IsMember method in the Clan class is used to determine whether a specific actor is a member of the clan. This method is crucial for verifying membership status within the clan, impacting gameplay decisions, resource allocation, and narrative elements.

Method Definition

public bool IsMember(Actor member)


  • Parameters:
    • member: The Actor object to check for membership in the clan.
  • Returns: True if the actor is a member of the clan; otherwise, false.


  • This method checks the clan's member list to see if the specified actor is included as a member.
  • It returns true if the actor is found in the clan's membership, indicating that they are a part of the clan.
  • If the actor is not found within the clan, the method returns false.


This method is essential for scenarios requiring confirmation of an actor's membership in a clan, such as determining eligibility for clan-specific activities, verifying access to clan resources, or shaping storylines around clan affiliation.

Example of Usage

public class ClanMembershipChecker : MonoBehaviour {
    private Clan playerClan;

    void Start() {
        playerClan = IM.Player.Clan;
        if (playerClan != null) {
            Actor actorToCheck = // Get the actor to check
            bool isMember = playerClan.IsMember(actorToCheck);
            Debug.Log($"{actorToCheck.Name} is a member of the player's clan: {isMember}");


  • In this example, the IsMember method is used to check if a specific actor is a member of the player's clan.
  • The membership status is logged to the console, providing information on whether the specified actor belongs to the player's clan.


  • The IsMember method is a key tool for managing clan dynamics and interactions in games where clan membership influences gameplay and narrative.
  • Developers can utilize this method to create conditions and decision-making processes based on clan membership, enhancing the depth and complexity of the game.
  • Accurate tracking of clan membership is crucial for maintaining realistic and engaging clan dynamics.