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Revision as of 23:31, 4 January 2024 by Tayfunwiki (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== <code>RemoveName</code> Method in Culture Class == === Overview === The <code>RemoveName</code> method in the Culture class is designed to delete a specific name from the culture's name list, based on the specified gender. This feature is crucial for managing and updating the cultural name database within a game's context. === Syntax === <syntaxhighlight lang="c#"> public Culture RemoveName(string name, Actor.IGender gender) </syntaxhighlight> === Parameters === *...")
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RemoveName Method in Culture Class


The RemoveName method in the Culture class is designed to delete a specific name from the culture's name list, based on the specified gender. This feature is crucial for managing and updating the cultural name database within a game's context.


public Culture RemoveName(string name, Actor.IGender gender)


  • name: The name to be removed.
  • gender: The gender category (Male or Female) associated with the name.


  • This method removes the specified name from either the male or female name list within the culture, according to the gender parameter.
  • It returns the updated Culture instance, facilitating further operations or adjustments.
  • Essential for maintaining an accurate and relevant list of names that reflect the game's evolving narrative or player interactions.


Applicable for:

  • Adjusting the list of names to reflect changes in the game world or cultural settings.
  • Removing outdated or inappropriate names from the cultural database.
  • Customizing the culture's characteristics in response to player feedback or story developments.

Example of Usage

public class CultureNameRemover : MonoBehaviour {
    public string nameToRemove;
    public Actor.IGender genderForName;

    void Start() {
        // Access the current culture of the player
        Culture playerCulture = IM.Player.Culture;

        if (playerCulture != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(nameToRemove)) {
            // Remove the specified name from the culture
            playerCulture.RemoveName(nameToRemove, genderForName);
            Debug.Log($"Removed Name: {nameToRemove} for Gender: {genderForName}");

Here's an example demonstrating the use of RemoveName:


  • Retrieves the player's current culture using IM.Player.Culture.
  • Calls RemoveName to delete nameToRemove from the culture's list for the given genderForName.
  • Logs the removal of the name for verification.


  • Ensure that the removal of names is handled sensitively, considering cultural significance and player expectations.
  • This method can be instrumental in evolving the game’s cultural aspects and enhancing the player's experience.
  • Think about how removing names could impact character creation and narrative consistency.