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Revision as of 11:34, 5 January 2024 by Tayfunwiki (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=== Role Class - <code>Icon</code> Property === ==== Overview ==== The <code>Icon</code> property in the Role class is used to retrieve the graphical representation or symbol associated with a specific role. ==== Syntax ==== <syntaxhighlight lang="c#"> [field: SerializeField] public Sprite Icon { get; private set; } </syntaxhighlight> ==== Description ==== This property provides a visual icon for a role, such as an emblem or symbol that represents the nature or status...")
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Role Class - Icon Property


The Icon property in the Role class is used to retrieve the graphical representation or symbol associated with a specific role.


[field: SerializeField] public Sprite Icon { get; private set; }


This property provides a visual icon for a role, such as an emblem or symbol that represents the nature or status of the role within the game's context. Icons are often used in user interfaces to quickly convey information about a character's role.


Icons are a vital aspect of user interface design, especially in games with complex role systems. They help players to visually distinguish between different roles and understand the hierarchy or functions of characters in the game.

Example of Usage

public class DisplayRoleIcon : MonoBehaviour {
    public Image roleIconDisplay;

    void Start() {
        // Retrieve a specific role
        var role = IM.GetRole("Leader");

        if (role != null && roleIconDisplay != null) {
            // Set the icon of the role to an Image component in the UI
            roleIconDisplay.sprite = role.Icon;


  • Role icons contribute to a more engaging and intuitive gameplay experience by allowing players to quickly identify and understand the roles of various characters.
  • They are particularly useful in games with a large number of roles or in strategy games where understanding the roles of characters is crucial to gameplay.