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Role Class - Priority Property


The Priority property in the Role class indicates the hierarchical importance or precedence of a role within the game's structure.


[field: SerializeField] public int Priority { get; private set; }


The Priority property assigns a numerical value to a role, representing its rank or level of importance compared to other roles. Higher priority values typically denote roles of greater significance or authority.


Priority is essential in games with complex social or organizational structures, where the interactions and dynamics between different roles are influenced by their hierarchical positions.

Example of Usage

public class RoleHierarchyManager : MonoBehaviour {
    void Start() {
        // Retrieve a specific role, e.g., "Leader"
        var role = IM.GetRole("Leader");

        // Check the priority of the role
        int rolePriority = role.Priority;
        Debug.Log($"The priority level of the 'Leader' role is: {rolePriority}");


  • The concept of priority in roles is especially significant in games that simulate social dynamics or organizational structures, as it can dictate the flow of interactions and decision-making processes.
  • Implementing a priority system for roles allows for a nuanced and dynamic gameplay experience, where the hierarchy and power dynamics play a crucial role.