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Revision as of 23:37, 4 January 2024 by Tayfunwiki (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== <code>onCultureNameChanged</code> Event in Culture Class == === Overview === The <code>onCultureNameChanged</code> event in the Culture class is a mechanism that triggers when the name of a culture is changed in the game. This event is particularly useful in dynamic game environments where cultural attributes can evolve or be modified during gameplay. === Event Definition === <syntaxhighlight lang="c#"> public event Action<string> onCultureNameChanged; </syntaxhighl...")
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onCultureNameChanged Event in Culture Class


The onCultureNameChanged event in the Culture class is a mechanism that triggers when the name of a culture is changed in the game. This event is particularly useful in dynamic game environments where cultural attributes can evolve or be modified during gameplay.

Event Definition

public event Action<string> onCultureNameChanged;


  • onCultureNameChanged is an event that takes a string parameter, which typically represents the old name of the culture.
  • The event allows for additional actions or updates to be executed in response to the change in the culture's name.


This event can be used in scenarios such as:

  • Updating UI elements that display the culture's name.
  • Logging or tracking changes in cultural attributes for gameplay analytics or narrative purposes.
  • Triggering other game mechanics or events that are dependent on cultural information.

Example of Usage

public class CultureNameChangeHandler : MonoBehaviour {
    void Start() {
        Culture playerCulture = IM.Player.Culture;
        if (playerCulture != null) {
            playerCulture.onCultureNameChanged += HandleCultureNameChange;

    private void HandleCultureNameChange(string oldName) {
        string newName = IM.Player.Culture.CultureName;
        Debug.Log($"Culture name changed from {oldName} to {newName}");

    void OnDestroy() {
        if (IM.Player.Culture != null) {
            IM.Player.Culture.onCultureNameChanged -= HandleCultureNameChange;

Here's how the onCultureNameChanged event might be implemented in a game script:


  • This script subscribes to the onCultureNameChanged event of the player's culture.
  • When the culture's name changes, HandleCultureNameChange is called, receiving the old culture name as a parameter.
  • The new name is retrieved using IM.Player.Culture.CultureName.
  • The script also unsubscribes from the event in the OnDestroy method to prevent memory leaks or unwanted behavior.


  • It's important to manage event subscriptions responsibly to avoid issues like memory leaks or null reference exceptions.
  • This event serves as an effective way to ensure that all parts of the game that rely on culture information remain consistent and up-to-date.