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Revision as of 11:06, 5 January 2024 by Tayfunwiki (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=== Policy Class - <code>SetIcon</code> Method === ==== Overview ==== The <code>SetIcon</code> method in the Policy class allows for updating the visual representation of a policy with a new icon. ==== Syntax ==== <syntaxhighlight lang="c#"> public void SetIcon(Sprite icon) </syntaxhighlight> ==== Description ==== This method is used to change the icon of a policy. Icons are an integral part of UI design, helping players quickly identify different policies. Changing a...")
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Policy Class - SetIcon Method


The SetIcon method in the Policy class allows for updating the visual representation of a policy with a new icon.


public void SetIcon(Sprite icon)


This method is used to change the icon of a policy. Icons are an integral part of UI design, helping players quickly identify different policies. Changing an icon can reflect alterations in policy characteristics or player actions impacting the policy.


  • icon: A Sprite representing the new icon to be assigned to the policy.


Use SetIcon to modify the visual representation of a policy in the game's user interface, making it more relevant to the current game context or narrative.

Example of Usage

public class PolicyIconUpdater : MonoBehaviour {
    public Sprite newEconomyPolicyIcon;
    private Policy economyPolicy;

    void Start() {
        // Fetching the 'Economy' policy
        economyPolicy = IM.GetPolicy("Economy");

        if (economyPolicy != null && newEconomyPolicyIcon != null) {
            // Updating the policy's icon


  • Changing the icon of a policy can enhance the player's visual experience and aid in storytelling.
  • Ensure that the new icon is contextually appropriate and aligns with the game's art style for consistency.